Normal Hoy No Circula Implementation in Mexico City

Hoy No Circula will be implemented normally on October 23 in Mexico City and the State of Mexico due to good air quality. No environmental contingency announced.

Normal Hoy No Circula Implementation in Mexico City

The Hoy No Circula program will be regularly enforced this Wednesday, October 23, in all municipalities of the State of Mexico and in the 16 boroughs of Mexico City, as the Megalopolis Environmental Commission (CAMe) has not declared an environmental contingency.

The vehicles that must comply with the program are those with red stickers, hologram 1 or 2, and with license plates ending in 3 and 4, between 5:00 AM and 10:00 PM. A double Hoy No Circula will not take place this Wednesday, as air quality remained at 'good' level the previous day, according to CAMe.

Cars that can circulate this Wednesday, October 23, include electric, hybrid vehicles, those with ecological plates or exempt holograms, those with hologram "00" or "0", health vehicles with valid credentials, as well as those designated for school transport, funeral services, personnel, and people with disabilities with the corresponding permit.

Additionally, public passenger and tourism service vehicles, motorcycles with Tourist Pass or permission from the Secretary of the Environment, and cars with pink, blue, yellow, and green stickers are exempt. All these measures aim to reduce pollution in case of environmental contingency, following current verification regulations.